Monday, February 23, 2009

Working together with local WAHMs

Here is an easy way to network with other WAHMs in your area.

Go to and start a local WAHM group. (This will cost around $12-19 a month, but the members can chip in and help cover the costs.)

Or you can start a blog. We use this one for our local group:

Go to and get business cards made up for the group. Make them generic with just the group site on them and some generic group info.

Now, each group member promotes the group blog or website. They can write their own phone number on the back if they want to have someone call them.

Why would group members do this?

Instead of each member promoting their own site, there are 25 people promoting the group's site. Instead of 20 people seeing your website, you have 500 people seeing your link on the group website. See the difference?

Chances are, you know other local WAHMs. Start a small group with people you know.

Then you can advertise it and watch it grow!

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