Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"How do I make money with no money to start?"

There are many ways to make money from home. You can join a direct selling company (think Avon, Tupperware, etc.). You can turn a hobby into a business. There are lots of things you can do.

But what if you really don't have any money to invest to start a business? Most direct sales companies require some type of investment in a kit (from a few bucks to well over $300, depending on the company). Plus there are sales aids to buy and gas to burn when doing a home party.

That is not to say that DS companies are bad, by any means! They can be a great way to make money. But what if you just don't have any money to start with??

Here is my No Money To Start With Game Plan (Fancy name, huh?):
  • Start with Cash Crate (click here for info) and sign up for free. There is no cost to sign up and you get paid monthly. You can easily earn $2-$3 a day, which adds up to $60-$90 a month. If you really wanted to make more, you can, but $2-$3 a day is very easily achieved. At the very least, you can make enough for a tank or two of gas.
  • Start a blog about something you love and monetize the blog. Blogger has free blogs to start and you can put Adsense ads on your blog painlessly. This might take longer to make money than with Cash Crate, but it is still a start.

Once you start getting checks from the above, then you have other options. You can invest what you earn back into your blog, or you can use the money to start a different home business.

With your blog, you can also offer products of your own for sale. Have a secret chili recipe? Got a "green" way to kill ants? Know a great way to teach math to a 9th grader? Any unique idea can potentially make money for you.

Got specific questions or comments? Let me know! Feel free to post a link to your website in your comment!

Monday, September 29, 2008

"The product sells itself!"

If I hear one more person say, "The product sells itself!" - I may scream.

Before I go off on my trip to Rant Land, let me preface this by saying that I love many, many products carried by WAHMs and I try to purchase the majority of my gifts from my fellow WAHMs. This is NOT to be taken as a slam against any product carried by any company.

That being said, I think we do a disservice to people joining our business and telling them that the product sells itself! I have never seen a product walk up to someone, introduce itself, tell the customer all of the benefits of purchasing it, and then taking care of the sale. Maybe I am just sheltered, but I just haven't seen it.

Telling people that the product sells itself does 2 things:
  • It gives a new recruit the impression that there is no work involved with the business. This is not exactly setting people up for success!
  • It sets a new recruit up for disappointment - "Man, if this product sells itself, what is wrong with me? I can't sell it for squat!"

To me, it is better to say something like, "People love our product!" or, "Lots of people who try xyz product buy it." It is more realistic and it also lets them know they have to present the opportunity to purchase a product to the customer - not just open the starter kit!

Thoughts? Leave your comments or questions and be sure to include a link to your website!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

"How do I keep the kids busy while I am on the phone?"

Thanks to Karen for suggesting this topic!

Let me give a little background for my situation. I have four kiddos and they range in age from 15 down to 4 years old. (Yes, it is hectic!) Not only do I have the four kiddos, but I also homeschool, so I do not have 6-7 hours of peace and quiet each weekday! LOL

Most of the time I work via email, so the background noise is not an issue. However, there are times when I have to make calls or be on a conference call, so then what??

Here are some tips I can give from personal experience:
  • Know your kids. If they are cranky in the afternoon, don't schedule a call for the afternoon! If they take a nap between 1 and 3 pm like clockwork, schedule calls for that time, but give yourself some leeway - like from 1:30 - 2:30. If they are cheerful and happy in the mornings, then schedule calls for in the morning.
  • Plan ahead. If you know you have to schedule calls or work for the next day, don't just do them on the spur of the minute. Plan the time for the calls and then get your game plan together on how to occupy the kids during that time.
  • I use a special box of toys or art supplies that only come out when I need quiet. The kids are quiet when they have something new. I even buy new toys (from the dollar store) from time to time so it stays interesting and fun - 5 bucks is totally worth it to have 20-30 minutes of peace and quiet on a conference call!!
  • Take care of the usual needs before you get on the call. Nothing like having a kid run up to you and proclaim, "I NEED TO POOP RIGHT NOW!" to get a conference call off on the right foot. Ask me how I know. Anyway, make sure potty visits, snacks and drinks are all taken care of before you pick up the phone. And don't ask if they need to go potty - take them and make them try.
  • Do not answer the phone if the kids are fussy. That is what voice mail is for. Take care of the needs of the kids first, then call the person back. It is better this way - trust me.
  • If you do get on a call and the kids act up, if at all possible politely excuse yourself from the call and call the person back when you get the situation under control. If you cannot excuse yourself from the call (like when you are the person giving the conference call, for example - yeah, ask me how I know), then simply try to move to another room until you are done. (I have walked the entire length of the house before, but I conducted a quiet conference call! LOL)
  • Work when the kids are asleep when possible. This isn't always possible, but when you can, work via email and avoid calls.
  • Try to have a set work schedule. If the kids know that Mom makes calls between 6 and 8 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays, it becomes routine for them and they do better.
  • Finally, when all else fails, simply laugh it off and be happy you can work and be home with the kids. :o)

I hope this helps!

If you have any questions about a particular situation, please ask! I will give my point of view as to how I would handle it.

Please be sure to leave your website link in your comment!!! (Hey, every bit of publicity helps your biz, right?)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Working with other work-at-home moms

One of the best things about what I do is that I actually get to meet and work with other work-at-home moms.

I have over 1800 moms in my online groups. Plus I have almost 40 moms in my local meet-in-person groups! (You can see the local WAHM group blog here.)

You can work one-on-one with other work-at-home moms. Do a home show together or simply email each other's website to your mailing list. You never know what might get you a new customer!

I also enjoy working with larger groups of ladies, too. For example, if you have a combined website or blog and you advertise the website/blog, you can purchase more advertising power than you could alone.

Let's say you have $10 to invest in advertising. That might get you a small ad in a local paper. Maybe. But if you get 10 women each investing $10, then you can purchase $100 worth of advertising and get a much larger, more eyecatching ad! Or you can get several ads for that amount.

In each case, you only invested $10, but the returns for that $10 are very different.

Working together benefits everyone involved!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Please post a comment with a link to your site!

Just a note -

Please put a link to your website in your comments!

I would love to hear about your biz along with any comments about the blog!

Gas Prices and working from home

Gas prices are going up and down for all sorts of reasons. It really is hard to predict what to expect as far as how much gas will cost. In addition, a hurricane in the Gulf can quickly cause a gas shortage and a spike in prices. A catastrophic hurricane can cause long-term problems and even a crisis. Working from home can help offset these issues.

The obvious benefit is using less gas. Not having a commute can easily save you $300 a month, depending on your commute time. $300 a month is $3600 a year! It really adds up over time.

Another benefit is being able to work even when gas is limited. I have seen the long lines at the pump and think that I am so lucky to not have to be there! We take the precaution of keeping our tank full so that if a crisis hits, we are not panicking. We can wait it out for a while. I know I can sit at my computer and make money!

If you are working outside of the home, sit down and look at the cost of your commute - you might find that making the transition to working from home just makes sense!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Always Be Prepared for Business!

This is an article I wrote a while back that was featured in the company newsletter. (The name of the company, of course, has been removed.) Hope you enjoy!

If you were on trial for being a company rep, would there be enough evidence to convict you?

1. If you are talking to someone and she asks you for a catalog, what is your first thought?

A. "All of my stuff is at home! Oh no!"
B. "I don't have any catalogs! I need to order some!"
C. "I have 5 in my purse. And biz cards and samples, too!"

2. How many samples/biz cards did you give out today?

A. 1
B. "What cards and samples?"
C. I gave one to everyone I met today!

3. You meet a great prospect for your biz! You need to get her name and number to follow up with her! What do you do?

A. Scramble around for a scrap of paper and a pen. Now where are they???
B. "I'll just keep it in my head. I won't forget."
C. You pull out your memo pad and pen from your Prospecting Kit that you keep in your purse and jot down her info and make notes.

I have a local entrepreneurs group, so I am constantly looking for ladies to invite to the group. I am shocked at how many WAHM's are totally unprepared for business! No cards, pen, anything!

My Prospecting Kit is a clear cosmetic bag (about 4 x 6 inches)that contains the following:

20 scent samples attached to biz cards (my goal is to give them all out by the end of the day)

2 pens (in case one runs out of ink)

small memo pad (3 x 5 - to write down info)

5 gift certificates (I give a gift certificate [along with a sample and a biz card] in addition to a tip to waitresses, etc. They work GREAT! You can buy some at an office supply store or make your own. I make my own.)

5 catalogs (but I only give them out if I have a really interested prospect and I have contact info so I can follow up)

pocket calendar (to schedule parties/shows/etc.)
Hope this helps everyone! Remember: always be prepared for business!

An Alphabet of Ideas

Here are a few ideas to help get you going with your biz!

A - Approach apartment managers and see if you can post a flyer on the community bulletin boards. You can also see if he/she would be interested in using your product as a "welcome to our complex" gift.

B - Bake sales. Moms hate bake sales. Approach any bake sale coordinators and give them info about doing a fundraiser (after buying some cupcakes, of course!)

C - Hang a sign in/on your car. Make sure you have your PHONE NUMBER on it. (Don't make people have to chase you down to contact you - they won't.)

D - Order pizza, Chinese food, or some other food and give a sample and info to the delivery person.

E - Find a holiday event and get a booth!

F - Call 4 organizations today from the phone book and ask if they want fundraiser info.

G - Go to a garage sale and give a sample and info the the homeowner having it.

H - For Halloween, give candy for the kids and samples for the moms.

I - Invite another consultant (from a different company) to have a home show with you. You both invite your own people, and both of you make new contacts!

J - Look at your junk mail - is there any local advertiser you would like to partner with for a joint venture?

K - Find inexpensive, unique key chains from the dollar store - attach a biz card that says " is the key to your financial freedom!" with your contact info.

L - Put up a flyer at a laundry mat.

M - Change the answering machine message for your house to reflect your biz!

N - Wear a name tag with your name and company on it.

O - Open up conversations with people who are standing in line next to you.

P - Mail colorful post cards to anyone you have spoken to about your biz in the past. You can get some nice ones from www.thebooster.com and others.

Q - Ask questions of people you meet today: "Do you love ? Would you like to earn extra money?"

R - Go out to eat at a restaurant. Strike up a conversation with the waitress and give her samples and info.

S - Make up a survey and use it to get new leads.

T - The next time a telemarketer calls you, answer the phone and tell them about your company!

U - Advertise in a college/university newspaper or yearbook.

V - Leave a catalog in the veterinarian's office.

W - Get your samples and cards in a local Welcome Wagon.

X - Get X-cited about your company - your X-citement will be contagious!

Y - Get a yard sign and put it out.

Z - Remember, if you snooze, you lose! ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Twitter Me This, Batman!

Have you heard about Twitter?

I love Twitter.

If you have not checked out this awesome tool, I encourage you to do so now. Go to www.twitter.com today!

And if you want to follow me, go to www.twitter.com/ShayRockhold

Twitter with me!

Get Team Members off to a Fast Start

How many of you have had a new team member that was itching to get started, but was waiting on supplies (their kit, business cards, etc.)?

Why not use their enthusiasm and get them off to a fast start?

Here is an idea that you can instruct them to do (or - better yet - do it for them and email it to them as a "welcome" kit) while they are waiting on their "official" supplies. (This is, of course, in addition to any other system you currently use.)

Take a look at your approved company classified ads. (They should be listed somewhere on your company rep website or you can ask your sponsor where they are located.)

Pick one for finding customers and one for finding reps.

On your computer, make up the following:

1. Business cards. Buy the blank cards and use the classified ad on it to create a "sizzle card" for your new rep to use to hand out. Print out one batch (10-20 cards) for the business opportunity and one batch for customers.

2. Take the same ads and create half-page flyers. This is very simple in Microsoft Word.

3. Take the same ads and create 2 car signs - one for reps and one for customers.

If you email this to the rep, it costs you nothing to do this. You have provided the rep with a way to get his/her phone ringing and finding prospects right off the bat - before he or she even gets his/her kit! (You will, of course, need to be on hand to help him or her handle these leads, but that is another topic...)

Even if you print this out for the rep, it will only cost about a dollar or two, at most.

Hope this helps!

Inexpensive Car Signs

I have always used car signs for my biz; however, I have never bought a car sign.

Here is the "Shay Rockhold Method for Car Signage":

Select one of the pre-approved classified ads from your company. This keeps you compliant with your company's legal department and it gives you a short, tested ad for your car.

Use no more than two lines of copy for the sign and then your phone number on the bottom line.
Center the copy on the page.

Make sure your phone number is large enough to be read!

Using Microsoft Word, type it out and print it out using the landscape (not portrait) page orientation.

Put the page in a clear sheet protector (the ones used in 3-ring binders). You can get a pack of 10 for less than $3.

Tape it neatly in the back or side window of your car.

Q: How many calls per week do you get with this kind of sign?
A: I average 5-10 calls per week. If a sign does not start getting me leads in a few days, I will change it. If it consistently keeps getting me calls, I will keep it. If the calls start falling off, I will change it. I have gotten more than one call while sitting in traffic.

Q: How good are the leads?

A: It depends, just like any other lead. However, I have gotten customers and reps from car signs.

Q: Do you use signs for customers, for reps, or both?

A: I switch them around.

Q: Can you give an example of a sign you have used?

A: Yes, but be sure to use one of your company's ads.

Here is an example of a sign that got good results:

I work from home!
You can, too - ask me how

Notice the first and last line are bigger and in bold, but the middle line is still big enough to be read.

Hope this helps everyone!

The True Cost of Working Outside of the Home

Many women work outside of the home because they feel it is their only option - single moms in particular feel the pressure to work outside of the home, since they are often the only source of income for their family.

I used to be a single mom. For six years, I supported myself and my two children by working from home. On paper, I could have (perhaps) made more money by working a job outside of the home, but the difference would have been in how much I kept.

Consider the costs involved with working outside of the home:

1. Child care - This expense alone can eat up half of your paycheck.

2. Gas - No doubt that this is a hefty expense, too.

3. Car insurance - Did you know that your insurance can go down if you don't commute to work? Mine did.

4. Clothing - Pantyhose alone cost me a fortune. (I can't seem to wear hose for more than 2 minutes without running them. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!) Add to that all of the dressy clothes you need for office work, and it is a hefty sum.

5. Lunches, coffee, etc. - A few dollars here and there add up!

And let's not forget another cost - time. Time to commute. Time the kids stay in daycare. Time you can never get back.

If you are working outside of the home, sit down and see what your true take-home income is.

You might be surprised.

"Overnight" Success

We all know of someone who has joined a company and "shot to the top," so to speak. Being an "overnight" success. They are touted by the company as "Joe Blow reached the Grand Poobah Level in only 6 months! You can, too!" Joe is paraded across the stage and is used to inspire the masses. He does training on "how he did it and you can, too."

But the problem comes when people don't realize how much groundwork was laid in the years before Joe Blow became an "overnight success" with XYZ Widget company. Maybe he has a huge mailing list from a related business. Maybe he already had a downline that followed him into the new opp. Maybe he was the mayor of the town. Maybe he simply had spent 40 years building relationships with people and people joined when he said they needed to sign on the dotted line! Maybe he used to run a marketing firm and he has a huge list of wealthy clients who want to join his biz opp.

So people listen to his story and think it is easy! But when they cannot duplicate his success, they feel like the problem lies with them. They don't realize that they are not getting the whole picture.

Success does not happen overnight. No matter what you do, you have to learn, grow and build a successful business. Now, you might learn, grow and build in one type of business and then find success in a different field, but you have to learn, grow and build somewhere.

Let me give another example.

Let's say someone spends 20 years in a particular field: computer repair. After 20 years he decides to open his own shop. In 6 months he is making money hand over fist. Is it because he is an "overnight success"? No. he spent 20 years training and developing a reputation and relationships.

So don't be discouraged when you don't have success overnight - keep working towards your goal.

Become a "person of influence"

The term "person of influence" is something you hear in business. Many times, when we hear this term, we think of a person in a position of power - a politician, a CEO, etc.
But a "person of influence" is exactly what it says - a person that influences (or affects) others (generally a large number of people). In NM, we are often told to contact "people of influence" in order to spread the word about our biz. (And that is a good idea!)

But what I would like to talk to you about today is about how to become a person of influence.

Becoming a person of influence is no more than making a decision and taking the steps to make that decision happen. It is about following your heart and passion and letting others see that in you. It is about stepping up to the plate and filling a need that you see.

Let me give you an example.

Just over four years ago, I moved to a new city. Aside from my kids and my husband (who is the reason I moved in the first place!), I did not know another soul.

I searched for local moms groups in my area and found none. I searched for any kinds of local groups (I was in a smaller town) and found nothing that interested me, so I simply started my own group. I put up a website and began putting the word out online.

From that simple, small start, my group has grown to over 400 moms across the South. The group I started to help me find other moms now helps moms all over the South find friends, playdates, apartments, jobs, good school districts, and so many other things!

From that website/group, I created a spinoff website for Southern moms who are either working from home or are looking to start a home business. The membership for that site/group is almost 1000 moms.

So what does this have to do with you and your business? Glad you asked!

First, becoming a person of influence changes your whole mindset. It truly sets you apart from the crowd. Not many people will take the extra step to fill a need. If you will, you have already set yourself apart from the crowd.

Second, it will put you in a position to be noticed by others. People come to you, wanting to know what business you are involved in. They support you and want to be in business with you.

Third, it puts you in a wonderful position to help others. I recently was asked to help spread the word about a charity that helps kids in the hospital. She was thinking that she might have to close the charity because of a lack of volunteers. One message out to the fantastic moms in my list and she had offers to help pouring in. It was a wonderful feeling. The thank you note I got from her brought me to tears.

I have even approached some women and volunteered to spread the word about their business or cause because I believed in what they are doing. It is a great feeling to help others in this way.

Fourth, it gives you leverage with other people of influence. I can approach others with large circle of influence and offer a joint marketing venture with confidence.

So take the first step.

Make the decision.

Be a person of influence.

Change lives.

Encourage Others

In this very hectic world, it really does stand out when you slow down and take a minute to encourage others.

Send a note and a gift card to a single mom in your church/neighborhood.

Send a thank-you note to someone who teaches Sunday School to the toddlers.

Pick up a small gift for your child's teacher and attach a note saying, "You are wonderful!"

Hug someone who needs it. (That's everyone! )

Smile at strangers when you are out and about. Not just a half smile. Show some teeth!! I have actually had people stop me when I do this (even when I am walking the opposite way!) and talk to me!

What does this have to do with business? Nothing, really. It just makes you a happier person and brightens the world around you.

But if you do things every day to make the world a better place, you will develop the reputation of being a great person. This will do nothing but help your business, because reputation is everything!

Five Free Ways to Market Your Biz

Trying to market your biz on a budget? Here are some ideas to help!

**Yahoo groups - Simply go to www.groups.yahoo.com and search for groups that interest you or that have to do with your biz. (Health, food, etc.) (Join the group and build relationships - don't spam the group!) Have something in your email siggy that tells that you work from home. Be sure to obey the rules of the group. You can also create your own group and make your own rules!

**Craigslist - Don't just spam Craigslist with your biz info! Create a Yahoo group (see #1) and then promote the group on Craigslist. Want an example? I created a group on Yahoo for women who are looking for a legitimate home business. I promote the group on Craigslist and started getting leads immediately asking for more info. If you sell non-toxic cleaning products, you could start a group for "Green Moms" or something similar. Gourmet food company? Start a group for "Quick cooking ideas." You get the point.

**Local online community bulletin boards - Again, don't spam the board with your biz opp! Follow the board rules. Find these boards with a Google search. Post your biz opp in the correct place and you can also promote your Yahoo group (see #1 and 2).

**Joint venture with another WAHM - First a few "howevers" : Choose someone in a non-competing company, of course. Find someone with a decent customer base. Now, offer her something she can offer her customers and you, in turn, will offer your customers something from her. (If you are new and have no customers, you can offer to do so with family and friends.) This can be a free sample, a percent off coupon, or anything else with perceived value. Both of you benefit from this relationship.

**Contacting "people of influence" - I saved this one for last because it is going to be where I am the longest-winded. When someone says "people of influence," most people think of the Mayor, the leader of the local Chamber of Commerce, etc. This is certainly true, but there are other, less-imposing people of influence all around you.

Contact people who are group leaders. (Meetup.com is a good place to find local groups.) The way you approach them is important, too. For example, I have several large groups. I get approached every so often from someone wanting to contact my groups for some reason. The difference is in the presentation! A personable email will get a much better response than a spammy email.

Once, I got a very nice email from a karate instructor. He was personable and gave a great price for my members. He included his phone number, so I called and he answered all of my questions. Of course I passed it on! He got several new clients and my members were thrilled to find an instructor for their kids.

(Make sure that the offer is a genuine deal. If you offer free facials to everyone, don't offer free facials to the group. Make a special offer that people have to ask for specifically. You can also offer samples, etc.)

Finally, do this on a regular basis. Don't just contact one person of influence and that's it. Continue to search and find people to talk to.

Disaster-proof your business!

If you live in the South, chances are you live in an area where you get tropical storms and hurricanes.

How do you design your business so that a disaster in your area doesn't mean your business grinds to a halt?

1. If you have a business that involves Network Marketing or you can build a team of distributors under you, make an effort to recruit people that are NOT in "Hurricane Zones." While most people we recruit and have as customers are those we know personally and locally, the Internet and other technology make it quite possible to have recruits and customers all over the US and the world! Try to make sure your business isn't too heavily concentrated in an area that is "prone" to hurricanes. (Translation: the East and Gulf Coasts!)

2. Don't be caught without a plan! With today's technology, there is NO WAY for a Hurricane or Tropical Storm to "sneak up on you." There is ample time to be prepared for a disaster! Make plans BEFORE you are in harm's way - I make a disaster plan every June 1st (the first day of hurricane season), and I have everything mapped out - where I will go, how I will notify my associates, alternate numbers for getting in touch with me, etc.

3. COMMUNICATE with anyone who will be waiting to hear from you! What do I mean by that? I know from experience (having dealt with hurricane evacuations my whole life - I was born and raised in Charleston, SC) that one of the things that makes people CRAZY is worrying about someone in the path of a hurricane! Just letting people know you are okay will do WONDERS for the morale of your team! Before you evacuate (or before the storm hits, if you are going to "ride it out" at home), make someone the "designated contact point" for your team. Ask one person (outside of the hurricane's path) to be waiting for your phone call (not email!) after the storm has passed to let him/her know you are okay. He or she can pass the info along to the others. You can have a "back up" contact in case you cannot reach the Primary contact person. (If you evacuate, this should not be a problem. Hopefully you would evacuate to a place out of the hurricane's path. LOL)

Why this procedure? Well, first, someone outside the hurricane's path is an obvious choice. Someone out of state is even better. Why? Because if the Hurricane is devastating, there is a better chance of reaching a person out of state than locally (as was the case after Hurricane Hugo many years ago). Not sure why - but that's the way the phone system seems to be set up.

Why phone calls instead of emails? Cell phones are more likely to work than Internet service. Your contact person can email others, if need be. (A Yahoo group for your team is great for this!)

Why only call one person instead of your whole team? Time and cell phone battery life. It is a LOT easier and faster to call one person than it is to call 10. After a hurricane, you don't know how long power will be out, so cell phone battery life might be an issue.

4. Make sure ALL of your records and business info are safe. This should be a no-brainer, but it isn't. Plastic bags (with zippers) should be used to protect all paper business records. Make sure all files are backed up and the copies are safely stored.

Even if you are evacuating, use plastic bags to store your info. Why? Because stuff happens, and if you accidentally drop a bin of documents into a puddle when you unload the car after you get home, you will be really sorry you didn't spend a dollar on plastic baggies. That's all I'm sayin'.

So, in closing, the most important thing to do is PREPARE. Make a plan and let others know of your plan and whereabouts.