Let me give a little background for my situation. I have four kiddos and they range in age from 15 down to 4 years old. (Yes, it is hectic!) Not only do I have the four kiddos, but I also homeschool, so I do not have 6-7 hours of peace and quiet each weekday! LOL
Most of the time I work via email, so the background noise is not an issue. However, there are times when I have to make calls or be on a conference call, so then what??
Here are some tips I can give from personal experience:
- Know your kids. If they are cranky in the afternoon, don't schedule a call for the afternoon! If they take a nap between 1 and 3 pm like clockwork, schedule calls for that time, but give yourself some leeway - like from 1:30 - 2:30. If they are cheerful and happy in the mornings, then schedule calls for in the morning.
- Plan ahead. If you know you have to schedule calls or work for the next day, don't just do them on the spur of the minute. Plan the time for the calls and then get your game plan together on how to occupy the kids during that time.
- I use a special box of toys or art supplies that only come out when I need quiet. The kids are quiet when they have something new. I even buy new toys (from the dollar store) from time to time so it stays interesting and fun - 5 bucks is totally worth it to have 20-30 minutes of peace and quiet on a conference call!!
- Take care of the usual needs before you get on the call. Nothing like having a kid run up to you and proclaim, "I NEED TO POOP RIGHT NOW!" to get a conference call off on the right foot. Ask me how I know. Anyway, make sure potty visits, snacks and drinks are all taken care of before you pick up the phone. And don't ask if they need to go potty - take them and make them try.
- Do not answer the phone if the kids are fussy. That is what voice mail is for. Take care of the needs of the kids first, then call the person back. It is better this way - trust me.
- If you do get on a call and the kids act up, if at all possible politely excuse yourself from the call and call the person back when you get the situation under control. If you cannot excuse yourself from the call (like when you are the person giving the conference call, for example - yeah, ask me how I know), then simply try to move to another room until you are done. (I have walked the entire length of the house before, but I conducted a quiet conference call! LOL)
- Work when the kids are asleep when possible. This isn't always possible, but when you can, work via email and avoid calls.
- Try to have a set work schedule. If the kids know that Mom makes calls between 6 and 8 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays, it becomes routine for them and they do better.
- Finally, when all else fails, simply laugh it off and be happy you can work and be home with the kids. :o)
I hope this helps!
If you have any questions about a particular situation, please ask! I will give my point of view as to how I would handle it.
Please be sure to leave your website link in your comment!!! (Hey, every bit of publicity helps your biz, right?)
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