Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Gas Prices and working from home

Gas prices are going up and down for all sorts of reasons. It really is hard to predict what to expect as far as how much gas will cost. In addition, a hurricane in the Gulf can quickly cause a gas shortage and a spike in prices. A catastrophic hurricane can cause long-term problems and even a crisis. Working from home can help offset these issues.

The obvious benefit is using less gas. Not having a commute can easily save you $300 a month, depending on your commute time. $300 a month is $3600 a year! It really adds up over time.

Another benefit is being able to work even when gas is limited. I have seen the long lines at the pump and think that I am so lucky to not have to be there! We take the precaution of keeping our tank full so that if a crisis hits, we are not panicking. We can wait it out for a while. I know I can sit at my computer and make money!

If you are working outside of the home, sit down and look at the cost of your commute - you might find that making the transition to working from home just makes sense!

1 comment:

Editor said...

You are soooo right! One of the reasons I desperately want to get started at home!

Did you see on the news where Nashville, TN ran OUT of gas?? It was insane! All because someone started a rumor that we would, so, we did!!!

I guess you get what you speak, ha!

Saving gas by working from home is just ONE of the many perks of this business.