Sunday, September 21, 2008

Encourage Others

In this very hectic world, it really does stand out when you slow down and take a minute to encourage others.

Send a note and a gift card to a single mom in your church/neighborhood.

Send a thank-you note to someone who teaches Sunday School to the toddlers.

Pick up a small gift for your child's teacher and attach a note saying, "You are wonderful!"

Hug someone who needs it. (That's everyone! )

Smile at strangers when you are out and about. Not just a half smile. Show some teeth!! I have actually had people stop me when I do this (even when I am walking the opposite way!) and talk to me!

What does this have to do with business? Nothing, really. It just makes you a happier person and brightens the world around you.

But if you do things every day to make the world a better place, you will develop the reputation of being a great person. This will do nothing but help your business, because reputation is everything!

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