Saturday, September 27, 2008

Working with other work-at-home moms

One of the best things about what I do is that I actually get to meet and work with other work-at-home moms.

I have over 1800 moms in my online groups. Plus I have almost 40 moms in my local meet-in-person groups! (You can see the local WAHM group blog here.)

You can work one-on-one with other work-at-home moms. Do a home show together or simply email each other's website to your mailing list. You never know what might get you a new customer!

I also enjoy working with larger groups of ladies, too. For example, if you have a combined website or blog and you advertise the website/blog, you can purchase more advertising power than you could alone.

Let's say you have $10 to invest in advertising. That might get you a small ad in a local paper. Maybe. But if you get 10 women each investing $10, then you can purchase $100 worth of advertising and get a much larger, more eyecatching ad! Or you can get several ads for that amount.

In each case, you only invested $10, but the returns for that $10 are very different.

Working together benefits everyone involved!

1 comment:

Editor said...

Wow! You are networking with a LOT of women!

When did you begin with all of the networking? Were you working at home BEFORE working online?
