Sunday, September 21, 2008

Get Team Members off to a Fast Start

How many of you have had a new team member that was itching to get started, but was waiting on supplies (their kit, business cards, etc.)?

Why not use their enthusiasm and get them off to a fast start?

Here is an idea that you can instruct them to do (or - better yet - do it for them and email it to them as a "welcome" kit) while they are waiting on their "official" supplies. (This is, of course, in addition to any other system you currently use.)

Take a look at your approved company classified ads. (They should be listed somewhere on your company rep website or you can ask your sponsor where they are located.)

Pick one for finding customers and one for finding reps.

On your computer, make up the following:

1. Business cards. Buy the blank cards and use the classified ad on it to create a "sizzle card" for your new rep to use to hand out. Print out one batch (10-20 cards) for the business opportunity and one batch for customers.

2. Take the same ads and create half-page flyers. This is very simple in Microsoft Word.

3. Take the same ads and create 2 car signs - one for reps and one for customers.

If you email this to the rep, it costs you nothing to do this. You have provided the rep with a way to get his/her phone ringing and finding prospects right off the bat - before he or she even gets his/her kit! (You will, of course, need to be on hand to help him or her handle these leads, but that is another topic...)

Even if you print this out for the rep, it will only cost about a dollar or two, at most.

Hope this helps!

1 comment:

Editor said...

That is a great idea Shay!

They say one of the things that kills business is lack of momentum... And that can happen between the signing up and waiting for the kit period..

What a great way to keep that momentum for the new business going!!
